A private club for entrepreneurial leaders, personal brands and experienced experts who want more ease, recognition and cash flow - PREDICTABLY & SUSTAINABLY.

We have created over $22 million in new cash and deal flow within the Femmefluence network since 2018. Now, we want you to be a part of the most innovative expansion ecosystem for women leaders available today.
INSIDER is a private club where you have:
A reserved seat at the private equity table
A proven, customized success roadmap based on your values-driven goals, dreams and desires
Cash injection and lead generation on tap
First dibs on lucrative deal flow and visibility placements
Premium membership to next-level fitness of your mind, body and soul
Keys to the doors that open bigger opportunities
Access to the best systems and strategies that actually work and gain you high ROI
Proximity to the real people and influences that move the world
A sacred space to reserve and preserve your energy and to be fully seen and expressed
Qualified thought partnership and mentorship from the top brand futurist and business strategist in the world
A leadership watering hole where the conversations are rich, healthy and authentic
Connections to the media, literary agents, speaking and book deals
A Unicorn Success Squad who has your back
Live activations and experiences that anchor your motivation and immerse you in personal and professional growth

And we own the whole damn thing.
If you are tired of doing it the hard way, want to eliminate any friction, noise or pressure that doesn’t support the impact you want to make in the world, and want to move beyond the “matrix-based marketing” that’s keeping your brand small and stalling out your business, then The INSIDER is the only space of its kind online and offline that solves all of that.

Femmefluence INSIDER is reserved for only 100 women at a time each enrollment period, and is only offered through direct invitation and thoughtful referral.
Do you want to be a member of INSIDER 100?
Why The INSIDER, and why now?
Founded by Jen Kem, the world’s leading brand advisor and futurist, The INSIDER’s purpose is simple:
Conspire to create success that supports the life we want to live, without compromise.
To do that, we have to stop separating our efforts and build together. We need more WOMEN in front of the media, in front of audiences, on the top of bookshelves as bestsellers, and as trusted sources of the truth so that we can really live in a world that honors that we are not just options, we are the ones they have been waiting for.
The INSIDER is built to support all of that, and more.
It is the golf course and country club that we own and control.
And it’s time.

Who is The INSIDER for?
The core values of The INSIDER are congruent with our mothership brand, Femmefluence™
The INSIDER is for:
Women-identified leaders who are experienced business owners/ entrepreneurs/ founders/ specialists/ consultants/ coaches, and have rapidly increased their income year over year, and are tired of the revenue rollercoaster and trading off building their personal brands because of the pressure of marketing, sales and team commitments. They desire to be in and value being in relationship with others who can help them achieve their goals without trading off their sanity or soul.
Women-identified who are leading teams, departments and companies in a management and/or executive role. They are seeking like-minded people to create impact and find a more harmonious work/life balance while being proudly ambitious at the same time. They see the priceless value of being in communion with entrepreneurial founders to stoke creative solutions in their corporate roles. They also understand that their personal brand matters in their upward mobility and influence inside of the organization, and want a place where they can express the real challenges and friction that is present in the corporate space for women like them.
This woman is a generous, thoughtful leader who supports the container through meaningful connection to people, processes and strategies that help them achieve their values-driven goals. The INSIDER isn’t for non-doers or women who seek to only take from the container, we are Unicorns who love to learn and love to make things happen.
We are a brilliant, multi-generational tapestry of wisdom, power and authenticity where being mentored and being a mentor brings us great joy and fulfillment. We are the women we needed as we began our leadership journeys. We are models of intersectional feminism and inclusion and believe in building a world where all humans can thrive and succeed, one that we are proud to live in and leave behind.

We align with the Core Principles of Femmefluence, called Sustainable Scale…
… because we believe when more women have Wealth, Power and Leadership, real change happens. We are our ancestors wildest dreams - and more than ever, the time has never been more critical to apply our conscious capital towards things that really matter. Our descendants are counting on us to be the shoulders that they stand on.
This proprietary framework centers how to design your life and the business that supports it, specifically for Thought Leaders, Experts, Specialists, Consultants, Authors, Speakers and Leaders who desire to build a personal brand and platform to leave a clear and documented legacy for the future to follow.
Femmefluence Core Principles
Femmefluence INSIDER is the only private club where women like this convene and conspire to make big impact without apologizing for wanting the riches and recognition they desire.
Do you want to be a member of INSIDER 100?
How does The INSIDER work?
Think of The INSIDER as part social club, part connection platform, part modern master’s program and part creationship haven, where we circulate the currencies that drive growth and change. We are an alliance of impact, a force of change, and league of extraordinary women with game-changing ideas that need to be funded and scaled, sustainably.
Based on our Core Values of Autonomy, Creationship and Impact and our Core Principles of Wealth, Power and Leadership, Femmefluence uses an innovative expansion ecosystem that helps you achieve all of it
This is called the Personal Brand Roadmap, a clear and proven strategy built exactly to help women grow their Femmefluence.
At Femmefluence, we:
Invest in women’s ideas.
Advance women’s wealth, power and leadership.
Create and curate intentional and cultivated relationships.
Being a part of Femmefluence INSIDER gains you exclusive access to specifically address and solve every area in the Personal Brand Roadmap.
As a private member, you’re not joining a basic streaming or educational service that you’ll never access or you’ll “set and forget”.
The INSIDER is an ultra-premium club that pays for itself and makes you big money and massive visibility. No, really.
In fact, one of the most radical things we’re doing in Femmefluence is WE’RE PAYING YOU to invest in your growth, success and network expansion.
Stay with me, because this is bananas.

What do I get in The INSIDER, exactly?
We deliver the value of The INSIDER in 3 parts, with every feature, benefit and deliverable you receive as a member tied to them.
You don’t need more information - you need to be introduced to power players, deal makers, influencers, buyers and agents who can move the needle faster for you. You have to be in the rooms where it happens, where creationship energy lives and thrives naturally. Unicorns are always looking for other unicorns - they just need to find you. We create those rooms and tables for you to get seen, heard and paid.
Information is valuable but not as powerful as thoughtful curation, data interpretation and insider knowledge. We give you access to our educational platform that gives you the equivalent of an expert MBA, one that actually helps you make money moves and brand impact. And, we give you monthly reports specifically based on your brand and business building so that your efforts promoting yourself or your business are easy and lucrative.
Part Three: EQUITY
A financial plan that doesn’t involve the proper mix of Revenue Generation (launch/evergreen), Private Equity (buy/sell businesses), Investor Funding (VC and angels), Wealth Stacking (insurance/investments/real estate/tax strategy) - is a plan where your business owns you, instead of you owning it. We help you build a golden parachute, not golden birdcages.
For your monthly fee (or annual membership) in The INSIDER, you receive:
Personal Mentoring by Jen Kem - Forbes’ Top Brand Strategist and Curated Experts
Open Mic
Because the INSIDER is strictly limited to 100, each person can Haute Seat, unlike other programs
Personal Brand Summit Speaking Spot - with Lead Pool Equity Stake (ListShare™)
All leads generated shared by members to market to their audience (estimated 25,000 leads shared per Summit), coordinated and paid for by Femmefluence
Curated Creationship™ Introductions and Deal Flow with Investors and Influencers
Matchmaking for business and brand growth as well as speaking and media opportunities facilitated inside of the INSIDER portal
Femmefluence FORUM VIP Pass
VIP Access to The FORUM, our bi-annual in-person gathering for women leaders, with a private activation exclusively for members only
Femmefluence Premium Events Discount
25% discount on our Million Dollar Experiences, Values-Driven Identity, Unicorn Innovation Model and Unique Message Model Intensives, as well as all Femmefluence Retreats.
FF INSIDER Community and Concierge Onboarding and Support
Upon joining, you will be matched with a Concierge who will personally walk you through how the club works and how to get the most value out of your membership. The community will be housed in a private group where matchmaking and support is facilitated.
The INSIDER Business Insights Report - Marketing Data and Messaging Reports to Better Convert Your Leads for Your Offers
Futurist trends on what’s happening in our market, as well as custom results for any leads that came into the Brand Archetype Quiz funnel, our ListShare™ creationship with Femmefluence members.
The Messenger Training & Coaching Platform (includes Brand Archetypewriter AI)
A private educational platform that helps you message your offers and expertise at a pro level, with coaching and co-working. Also, a custom AI app that helps you create on-brand messaging based on your unique Brand Archetype Influence Mix.
Personal Brand Monthly Expert Masterclass
No-fluff, actionable masterclasses from real experts in the areas of Wealth, Power, Leadership, Impact, Income, Influence, Health and Relationships.
Femmefluence Club Card with Loaded Perks and Business Systems
Our 8-figure business and brand templates, tools, private workshops, discounts and so much more. A priceless vault of our best systems.
Personal Brand Roadmap Intensive
APRIL 5 - MAY 30 (est.)
Build your PBR and increase your PBR Score, leading to better lead flow, deal flow and cash flow
Unique Message Model Intensive
Part of the Messenger Mastermind
Increase the effectiveness of your sales and marketing activities by showing the world how different your are
Unicorn Innovation Model
JAN 10 - MAR 7
Bring your best idea to market in 2025 with speed and success, instead of guessing or spending wasted time, energy and money
Values-Driven Strategic Planning Model
OCT 7 - DEC 12
Build the right plan for 2026 based on everything you’ve improved and increased in 2025
Part Three: EQUITY
103% PAYOUT ON Brand Archetype Quiz Report
Use our ridiculously high-converting and proven Quiz Funnel - the Brand Archetype Quiz, to create a monthly recurring revenue model where we pay you $100 per converted lead. With only 9 leads a month, you pay for the INSIDER. No cap. Big upside. Plus, as part of our ListShare™, you get marketing insights that improve your conversions 10x.
Creationship™ Success Kit - Swipe Copy, Strategic Ideation, Incentives/Rewards with Jen Kem & Penelope Jane Smith
Personal strategy and swipe copy to make your list-building, revenue-generating and insights-gathering custom to your brand and make it a big win.
Femmefluence APP - matchmaking system for members
Spotlight in the app and more streamlined matchmaking capabilities, as well as first-invitation opportunity for equity stake in the growth of the app.
Femmefluence INCubator
Our INCubator will be the first of its kind that specifically brings deals and ideas that support the brain-, heart- and mindshare of the Femmefluence network. It is our conscious capital revolution, attracting high net worth investors and family offices to the women and ideas in our network.
A personal note from Jen
Friend and fellow Unicorn,
I see all that work you’re doing.
You are not alone.
When I started my tiny business as a consultant in 2006 after leaving a toxic work environment where I had no practical reason to leave - after all, I was making a big multiple six-figure salary, had a corner office with a disco ball in it, and an executive parking spot that was reserved just for me - I was scared AF.
But I knew that I had one thing that was the biggest asset to my livelihood:
My experience and expertise.
With that, I’ve started 5 companies, have made well over $100million in revenue, and have made clients and companies way more than that in the past 15 years.
In 2014 a catalyst moment that involved my health and my relationships threatened to erase all of that.
I was tired of the grind, tired of keeping up with the social media Joneses, and tired of being the person my company relied upon to grow.
What I was doing was “successful”, but it wasn’t sustainable.
I wanted to solve it, and no matter what therapy or coaching I was invested in could solve the problem, because I needed to remember something critical:
I now had even more experience and expertise.
And, I had realized that there was a framework in my head that I was using to grow my personal brand, increase my business revenue, and most importantly, give me the life I imagined I would have.
It’s called the Personal Brand Roadmap, and I’ve used it to replicate the same success I enjoyed up until 2014, except with way more of the things that I truly desired and wanted:
An aligned relationship with my husband
A present relationship with my daughters and son.
A focused relationship with my team.
A cultivated relationship with friends who really support me.
And most importantly, a healthy relationship with myself.
I realized that I didn’t have to trade off my business success with my personal success.
But there was still an issue.
I didn’t know if there were others like me - at least in all of the vulnerable, safe places where women didn’t apologize for their ambition, where I could trust they had my back, and where I could ethically promote and support their efforts too.
The online world felt littered with groups and masterminds where posturing was essential to get any attention. And, there was no practical business scaling teaching except exclusively on the marketing side or solely on the operations side. I craved an integrated approach, one that I was using but wanted others to be with me because I knew that was a lightning rod to success.
Frustrated by the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent in places where my own personal brand and desire to find models like me who were living a values-driven life I realized something.
I had to create it.
So, Femmefluence was formed. Small and curated at first, with an intention to keep it that way.
A place with zero fluff, tons of fun, and definitely worth your time, energy and money. Where an actual Return on Investment was tangible and predictable.
A place where we can be fully expressed, vulnerably lead, trust the people around us, and most of all, make a massive impact without trading off massive income.
We. can. have. all. of. It.
The world is rapidly changing because of AI and automation, and the voice of women is critical to build the next phase of the world we want to live in, and leave behind. This requires a commitment to humaning, to solving bigger problems, to banding together to create concrete change. This requires strategy, vision and mobilization. The Guild gives you all of that and more.
If you’re still reading this, you are definitely one of us. You are ready to be in the spotlight and grow your personal brand to signal to the world: I AM THE ONE.
You are the one.
You are an INSIDER.
And we need you more than ever.
See you in the club,

Do you want to be a member of INSIDER 100?
Yes. The key to joining anything is asking - “will this enhance my life, instead of confuse it?” The INSIDER was specifically designed to be a premium access point where you are connected to other Unicorns and insights that no one else has.
Building a personal brand is not just about having a social media presence or having a web site that’s www.yourname.com. In fact, that definition of a personal brand is diluted and individualistic, which is fine - but not whole. Your personal brand is your reputation, and you can’t build influence without having one that’s highly trusted and referrable. We live in an era where people need your main character energy.
One of the ways successful people make decisions isn’t if they can be everywhere at once. They make decisions that if they can get 100% ROI from at least one aspect of the features and benefits of what they’re considering. Although our live events are awesome and would be even better with you being able to be at all of them, anything virtual will be recorded and shared, and there are multiple live events every year that you can attend where it makes most sense to do so.
The features and benefits are listed in the Proximity, Insights and Equity table on this page.
For the first year, there is a 1-year contract, and thereafter it’s month-to-month to retain your premium features and benefits in the private club.
Imagine you’ve been one of the lucky ladies who’s snagged Taylor Swift ERA tickets or passes to Beyonce’s Renaissance tour - would you ask Tay Tay or Queen Bey for a refund? Even if you did, the answer would be - there are no refunds. Because The INSIDER is by invitation or referral only, we assume you understand that playing at a premium level is not like subscribing to Hulu. This is not a commodity-level offering where we just take your set-it-and-forget-it money. We want you to grow your reach and wealth, and that takes intention and commitment on both of our sides.
What we guarantee is that we will give you everything we promise on this page, and if we don’t, we’ll make it right. If you ask to get out of your contract during the first 12-months. We will out-care anyone else out there, and we want to be in community with women who are the same.
Show up when you’re most uncomfortable, and be available for the right connections that are made for you. You’re already ready. You just need to be in the proximity, have the insights and make the right financial equity moves.
If you’ve been in business for 3 years+, have earned 6-figures or more, or have been in a position where you have experience and expertise that’s leverageable - The INSIDER is probably a good fit for you.
Because this is a premium and private club, we’re serious about getting to know you and making sure you have a custom look at what strategies and structures will work specifically for your business. Our vision is when we open up the club to a more mainstream audience, we’ll have a free version that’s open to all women, and the INSIDER will remain the premium access component.
(Video coming soon)
Do you want to be a member of INSIDER 100?

I want to invite you to make it easier.
There are really only two options here:
Keep building a Golden Birdcage, thinking that’s enough, and getting burnt out, wondering “is this it?”
Escape from the Matrix-based marketing and environment that’s keeping you from all of the wealth, power and leadership you know you’re make for and made of - and live a life that’s designed based on your values, your dreams and your vision, now.