For Like-Minded Thought Leaders and Personal Brands Who Want to Sustainably Scale Their Income, Visibility and Impact to the Next Level
an association of creatives, owners and visionaries, often having considerable power, that gathers for mutual aid or the pursuit of a common goal.

What is The GUILD?
Femmefluence GUILD is an intentional container of leaders who want to scale their business sustainably, while creating massive impact at the same time.
But before we even get into making that so, let’s have a real talk - leader to leader - about what’s getting in the way of our goals:
You’re on a revenue rollercoaster, and when you don’t make your number on any given month, you and the entire team gets pulled back into a black hole vortex that gets you stuck with no space to work on your personal brand or create the alliances necessary to grow.
You know having a (lean) team is a necessary good in your growth, but resent the re-dos, the re-explanations, the re-generating ideas, strategies and tactics and most of all, the turnover and a sense of loyalty or responsibility you feel your team lacks. You’ve built a business that resembles a golden birdcage - instead of a golden parachute - and if you leave or take time off, things break.
You’re tired. Nothing kills our spirit more than working on things that aren’t worth our time or energy, but if we don’t do it, who will? This has nothing to do with not liking to work - we’re ambitious and proud of it - but we do want more spaciousness to work on our creativity, new ideas, and be more available to create opportunities that are passing us by because we’re still too much in the weeds of the business.
You need more friends like you, but wonder where you’ll have the time or energy to find them. Sure you have a close circle, but are you really at a table where your personal brand is elevated naturally by your peers around you? You understand your network is a key ingredient for your success, but wonder which one(s) are right for what you want now and next.
You’re frustrated that you’re not getting the mainstream recognition your brand deserves. Yet, showing up on social media and other growth strategies aren’t making the dent you’ve expected for what you’ve invested into those platforms. While you’re distracted by the day-to-day operations of the business, someone less qualified is getting all of the attention and applause. Being the world’s best known secret is not your life’s purpose and you know that.

The GUILD is built on a proprietary and tested framework that firmly gets you out of the revenue roller coaster so that you design and live a life that you feel is meaningful and impactful. Most of all, it’s practical and covers all of the bases getting in the way of your sustainable growth, while not hurting your cash flow or cash reserves.
Don’t have to say anymore, Jen - I want IN on the Femmefluence GUILD!

Founded by Jen Kem, the world’s leading brand advisor and futurist, The GUILD’s purpose is simple:
“Conspire to create success that supports the life we want to live, without compromise.”
To do that, we have to stop separating our efforts and build together. We need more WOMEN in front of the media, in front of audiences, on the top of bookshelves as bestsellers, and as trusted sources of the truth so that we can really live in a world that honors that we are not just options, we are the ones they have been waiting for.
The GUILD is built to support all of that, and more.

The core values of The Guild are congruent with those of our network, called Femmefluence:
The GUILD is for:
Women-identified leaders who are seasoned (read: profitable and experienced) business owners/entrepreneurs/founders, and have rapidly increased their income year over year, but are now in a place where they seek sustainable scale and relief in their time and energy capacity. They see the priceless value of being in communion with major business and brand executives for creative and corporate strategies they don’t get as founders.
Women-identified leaders who are leading teams, departments and companies in a management and/or executive role. They are seeking like-minded people to create impact and find a more harmonious work/life balance while being proudly ambitious at the same time. They see the priceless value of being in communion with entrepreneurial founders to stoke creative solutions in their corporate roles. They also understand that their personal brand matters in their upward mobility and influence inside of the organization.

This woman is a generous, thoughtful leader who supports the container through meaningful connection to people, process or strategies that help them achieve their values-driven goals. This mastermind isn’t for non-doers or women who seek to only take from the container. Femmefluencers are learners and doers. The GUILD is not for beginning entrepreneurs or aspiring executives. It is for a woman who is already successful, and wants more.
This woman is also actively interested in the uplifting of BIWOC and allies and becoming a model for change in their everyday life.
How does the GUILD work?
The GUILD is built on the Sustainable Scale Principles, the proprietary framework that centers how to design your life and the business that supports it, specifically for Thought Leaders, Experts, Specialists, Consultants, Authors, Speakers and Leaders who desire to build a personal brand and platform.
The GUILD uses these Principles as the guideposts for building a potent personal brand, and implements three stages (Impact, Income, Influence) to achieve that very goal:
We deliver this through the lens of three of the most important ways to integrate this into your life and business, so that you can build a personal brand that gives you the leverage and influence you need to take your vision to the next level.
Personal Brand Unicorn Team
One-on-One and Done-With-You Services with our own team using the Unicorn Team Model (Marketing, Sales, Operations, Finance)
Personal Brand Mastermind
Exclusive events and experiences, powered by the Femmefluence collective. This includes Content Creation via our photo and video studio partners
Personal Brand Talent Agency
Powerful Referral Network that allows for collaboration, not competition, using our Master Brand Media contacts and placements.
Limited to one industry per spot in the GUILD
Of all of the features and benefits of the GUILD, the most highly requested is our team being available to help you and your team actually implement these frameworks. Because what’s the point of learning something this powerful without fully integrating it?
Here is a comprehensive list of what you’ll receive while you’re in the GUILD, utilizing our infamous Unicorn Team Model and the actual team members to help you do it:
Develop Your Messaging to Create Massive Income & Impact
To build out your entire Unique Message Model so you’re 100% confident what you’re saying will attract the people who want to buy from you.
Week 1-2: Set up your Unique Message Model Dashboard
Week 3-4: Work with you on the development or refinement of your Rich Niche
Week 5-6: Work with you on the development or refinement of your Frameworks
Week 7-8: Strategically vet and refine your Irresistible Offer Development
Week 9-10: Help you choose the right brand stories to share for Authortity + Approachability
Week 11-12: Strategic Consulting with your Implementation Team for Integration
Defined core values
Brand Archetype profiles
Your Unique Message Model Dashboard
Your Unique Solution Expertise into Frameworks
Your Irresistible Offer
14 Strategically architected stories
(interact with dropdown menu)
Architect and Launch an Irresistible Offer with Ease
Strategize, Develop, and Launch Campaigns that will grow your business without exhausting your time or resources.
Week 1-2: Strategic development of a Campaign Overview, Strategy and Timeline
Week 3-4: Strategic integration of an Irresistible Offer, Mindmap and Segmentation
Week 5-6: Develop the Campaign Timeline, Scope and Tech Stack
Week 7-8: Give Implementation Direction to all team members involved in the launch
Week 9-10: Continued Implementation Direction & Review to all team members involved in the launch
Week 11-12: A final round of Implementation Direction & Review to all team members involved in the launch
Campaign Strategic Plan and Creative Deck Template
Campaign Mindmap
Campaign Timeline, Scope and Tech Stack
(interact with dropdown menu)
Organize and Amplify Your Company to Sustainably Scale
Install the operational structures needed for your team to truly understand and own their roles in the business.
Week 1-2: Deep dive audit for a complete overview of your company
Week 3-4: Creation and collation of all existing assets into an Offer Stack & Sales Metrics
Week 5-6: Creation of a company Profit-and-Loss Report with corresponding Marketing Metrics to improve your Profit Margins
Week 7-8: Future-pace your Annual Anchors
Week 9-10: Create your overarching Traffic Plan
Week 11-12: Combine everyting together for streamlined launch integration and management
Sales metric dashboard
Sustainable Scale Dashboard with Annual Launch Anchors
Profit and Loss Dashboard with Marketing Metrics
Traffic Plan Mindmap
(interact with dropdown menu)
To build out your entire Unique Message Model so you’re 100% confident what you’re saying will attract the people who want to buy from you.
Week 1-2: Develop a complete overview of team operations
Week 3-4: Build a 1-Page Strategic Plan
Week 5-8: Draft or Refine Team Job Descriptions & Key Progress Indicators for all current positions to tie them back to the company Strategies for the year
Week 9-12: Develop or refine your Project Management & Communications System for clarity, organization and accountability
1 Page Strategic Plan including your 12 month anchors.
Job Descriptions for 3 core positions and a KPI Tracking Dashboard
Project Management and Communication Systems wireframes with customized direction for your business
Grow the Ownership of Your Unicorn Team
(interact with dropdown menu)
Produce a Million Dollar Experience
Design an impact and profit focused event that wows your clients, creates an influx of revenue and brings energy to your brand.
Week 1-2: Architect an overview of the SMES framework
Week 3-4: Develop your strategic Offer Deck and agenda for the event
Week 5-6: Strategize the marketing and campaigns to fill the right butts-in-seats
Week 7-10: Orchestrate your sales team and brand experience to maximize in the room conversion
Week 11-12: Review first drafts of marketing & enrollment assets
Million Dollar Experience Live Event Dashboard
Brand Expertise System including your Master USE Case and Diagnostic USE Case
Offer Deck
Marketing Plan including a Launch Calendar & Calculator
Sales Process and Brand Experience mapped out including Plug & Play Fulfillment Emails, Participant & Sales Tracker, and Feedback Survey
(interact with dropdown menu)
(only 35 available)
- 12 month Mastermind
- Personal Brand Team - Private 1:1, Done-with-You Consulting
A facilitated Unicorn Team Integration Track for done-with-you support (includes bi-weekly, 30min calls). Choose your own 90 Day path around one of the following each quarter:
Strategic Revenue & Offers
Sustainable Scale in your Company
Team Ownership
Million Dollar Experience
Ability to bring your team to the 1:1s so they can be trained directly in the Unicorn Team Model
Preferred access to Content Creation studios to develop and publish brand-building content
- Personal Brand Mastermind
A curated collective of like-minded leaders who will uplevel your growth and forge new powerful connections.
Jen’s strategy monthly via online mastermind
3 mastermind events in-person
A dedicated Slack channel / directory to communicate with other Members
First dibs on all special events and incentives
- Personal Brand Agency
Representation by Master Brand Media Group, to book speaking, writing and media opportunities.
Client Referral Network that shares all new client intakes with GUILD members.
with a 12-month commitment
PRO Level
(only 18 available)
- 6 month Program
- Personal Brand Team - Private 1:1, Done-with-You Consulting
A facilitated Unicorn Team Integration Track for done-with-you support (includes bi-weekly, 30min calls). Choose your own 90 Day path around one of the following each quarter:
Strategic Revenue & Offers
Sustainable Scale in your Company
Team Ownership
Million Dollar Experience
Ability to bring your team to the 1:1s so they can be trained directly in the Unicorn Team Model
Preferred access to Content Creation studios to develop and publish brand-building content
- Quarterly Group Hotseats Around Strategy
Jen’s strategy quarterly via group hotseats
A dedicated Slack channel / directory to communicate with other Members
- Client Referral Network that shares all new client intakes with GUILD members
with a 6-month commitment
Preferred pricing is available for those that wish to pay in full. Make your first payment and we will discuss that option when we have your application call.
Real Talk: For what you receive in The Guild, there is no other mastermind that supports leaders’ success like this one.
Jen has invested over $500,000 in masterminds and although she doesn’t regret any choice she’s ever made because she always learned something valuable, there have been none that have what we’re offering here. If you do the math, you’ll see how making the investment is a beautiful and smart choice for you, your brand and your business.
And if you commit now, you get a bonus 1:1 Strategizer call with Jen, if you’re one of the first 5 whose application is approved.
Our team has cumulatively created 9-figures+ in revenue for our clients - but it’s not just about the money because on our campus, money is a given. What is more life-changing and transformational is the amount of time and energy you’ll have available to create what you actually desire, without putting those great ideas or lifestyle upgrades on hold.
The GUILD is the secret club that makes sure that you’re not a secret anymore.
You're here because you’ve been invited or referred by someone trusted in our network.
And, if you’ve gotten to the bottom of this page, this is the thing you’ve been looking for.
The real question is what’s stopping you from getting the support you deserve to create the wealth, power and leadership you know you are meant to have?